Flavor Enhancement

Flavor. It’s a way to differentiate your product on shelf. It’s a way to extend your product line. It’s a way to make consumers fall in love with your product. But, many times, it’s an attribute of your application that is stunted when reducing sugar or introducing functional ingredients.

Whether it’s a fruit flavor like lime or orange, an indulgent flavor like vanilla or chocolate, or a nostalgic flavor like birthday cake or cinnamon roll, flavor enhancement exists to refine and intensify the freshness and balance of the flavors used in your formulation.

It’s time that flavor enhancement becomes a key piece of your product’s taste profile. Apura Ingredients is here to open this possibility through our proprietary Zestaroma™ and ThauMagic™ flavor modulator technologies.

Flavor is one of the most important parts of your product, and we’re here to make sure that it is always performing its best.

Don Schwenker
Senior Manager of Business Development

Other resources

- Zestaroma™
Zestaroma™ 200LN 01 A compounded flavor in compliance with IOFI Code of Practice, FEMA GRAS and REGULATION (EC) 1334/2008. It is designed to improve the fresh-ness and intensity of fruit flavors. It does especially well with citrus flavors, such as orange, lemon, and lime.

Suggested Uses

  • Citrus and fruit flavored beverages
  • Dairy beverages